Friday 9 April 2010

2005 UK General Election Cartograms

I created these two cartograms show the percentage of votes that the Conservatives and Labour received at the 2005 general election. Colours range from red, low voter share, to green high voters share.

Conservative Vote Share
Labour Vote Share

As you might expect given that these are the two largest political parties in the UK, the maps are mirrors of each other, where Labour have a small voter share the Conservatives have a large one and visa versa.  The maps clearly show areas of support for each political party.  Conservatives have support in the home counties and many rural areas and Labour in the industrial north of England and in Scotland.

Mark Newman co author (Danny Dorling & Anna Barford) of a book called  The Atlas of the Real World produced these cartographs of the 2008 US election which provide an interesting comparison to the maps above.

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